The baby robins leave the nest

The two baby robins left the nest today. The first clue I had that something was happening was when I heard a terrible crash in the computer room, which was Piston knocking everything off the desk in her attempt to get out the window! Momma robin was sitting on the top of our swing chirping loudly in encouragement to the little ones. She did this for nearly an hour and then went to get a worm as enticement. That's when baby # 1 flew over beside her and I got this picture.

After 2 more hours of Momma chirping and flying from swing to nest repeatedly, baby robin # 2 took flight. (Okay, I admit it! I sat at the desk and watched this unfold -- AND I enjoyed every minute of it!)
P.S. I apologize for the appearance of the top of our swing. Bill is going to restain it as soon as his current "road job" is least, it's on my "honey-do list."

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