Preparing for the new GIRL

Time for the baby shower?  Yes, indeed!  Kelley is ripe and ready....just a little more "perking time" and we will all get to meet little Miss Delaney.  We can hardly wait!  Today we celebrated her "soon to be arrival" by showering her with gifts and prayers.  (Special idea - each guest received a heart shaped bead which we said a prayer over for baby and Kelley and then Shannon strung the beads for Kelley to take with her into labor and delivery :)

Emily and Shannon did a fantastic job in decorating and planning the afternoon event.

Pretty pink and purple cupcakes.
Pink was the color of the day!

Shannon made this delightful diaper castle.

beautiful tables with aromatic bath salts gifts for each quest.....
and the small cards for us each to write a message, blessing, whatever to be placed in a scrapbook for the little one.  Too cute....................

Adorable gifts for the little many ooohhh's and ahhhhhhh's.

This gift card is addressed to "potato salad" (while the majority of us are guessing what her name will be, big brother-to-be Logan knows).....just ask him and he'll tell you..................  "potato salad !"

....and what special friends to think of bringing a gift for big brother Logan....don't want him to feel new baby sister is getting too much attention.

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