Miss Piston is @#%&* ("ticked")

So, on this snowy morning, Bill and I decided it was definitely time to "put away" the Christmas tree.  As we started removing the ornaments, Miss Piston started yowling LOUDLY.  You see, she has used under the tree as her own secret "noone can get to me here" spot all through the Holidays.  She kept winding around our feet calling out loudly that she was not happy with this move.  Finally she jumped up on the coffee table to observe our actions.  She really isn't this big - her fur puffs out when she gets riled!
We found 6 pretty ornaments on the tree skirt under the tree that she has been hording there...no hairballs, thankfully!  Now, I've made her a little corner nook with bed, tree skirt and a few favorite things.  Maybe she will come around soon.....and then again....maybe NOT.

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