A few of my favorite things - people - pet

These are a few of my favorite things as I start the new year 2011... a new journal, Today 2011 and a new Bible that I can mark up ad lib.  Oh! and a good pen...very important!

Ahhh....my favorite spot...with everything I need at hand and Miss Piston to keep me company.  Now, who could ask for anything more?

Noone enjoys a celebration more than Scott D. Kemp...and we rang in the new year with glee.

Scott can always find ways to entertain himself...and others.

At 11pm, Scott MUST be dressed for bed, even on New Year's Eve, so.....................

And the elfin Mom aka Gram, MomMom, MeMe wishes everyone a blessed and happy new year too.

Yes, I know Miss Piston should not be on the dining room table and she knows it too, but she is so darn cute.
....and, also, one of my favorite things.

...just look at those pretty paws.

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 to you and yours.  What are some of your favorite things?

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