Christmas at our house 2010

Getting ready for Christmas 2010 - 1st the tree...with special thanks to Avery as the assembly of this "bugger" is becoming too much for Mammaw and Pappaw.  Thanks, Avery (and Lydia) for decorating poweress.

Miss Piston helped with wrapping gifts.......

......and guarded over the tree and presents.

Finally, the gathering time arrived and Bill & I greeted our guests with big smiles.

Michael read to us the true reason for this season from the Word of God....Haggai and Luke.

Mom, Scott, Kimberly, Lydia and Gregg listening to the Word.

Bill contemplates the Word.

Avery and Miss Piston hear the Word....and the Word is good!

Mom and Scott helped each other with the unwrapping.

All the family gathering together...

Digging into those gifts.....

Shannon demonstrates the tongue-technique for gift unwrapping.  (double-click on pic to enlarge)

Logan says, "Let's see what's in there, Pop."

Looking for the pickle - a family tradition of finding the tiny green pickle hidden on the tree.  This was Logan's first year of active participation and he repeatedly thought he had found it........

Still looking for the proved a little difficult to find this year.  Kelley finally stepped up to the task and won the Culver's gift girl Delaney will love that treat!

Sometimes a picture can reveal how much alike Grandma and Granddaughter really are.

Well, we did have a grand time.  Indeed a day of blessings!

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