a difficult post - in memory of Lazarus

Around 1am this morning our precious cat Lazarus had what I would term an extreme neurological event and by the time we contacted the vet and got him to the animal hospital, he passed away.  This was so sudden and Bill and I are at a loss............. I know in the grand scheme of things this will be alright, but it still hurts.  We are both thankful for the nearly 3 years we had with him....strangely enough, neither of us were even attracted to cats before he came along.  He helped me transition into retirement and brought out the cat-lover in both Bill and myself.  We have reminisced about his life in the hours since returning home from the animal hospital.  It's a miracle he survived his first few weeks with us...he was in pitiful shape when we rescued him.
 I didn't even take pictures in the first 2 weeks we had him because his demise was expected.  This was one of the first pics when he was no longer so lifeless and I began to anticipate his survival.      
He started to play and act more "cat-like."  He began to eat real food...no long dropper fed after he bit the end off the glass eye dropper (and swallowed it!).              
He even went to Trunk or Treat and let the children pet him!

 He entertained Bill and me often.....greeting his own shadow at the back door.....
and lying at Bill's feet (the closest he usually wanted to get to human contact).
We're thankful we had him for the time we did.
We will miss him.

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