My visit to New York - Feb. 2013

Nothing pleased me more than Oliver Tate's response to my visit in NYC.  At 13 months, I thought it might take some time to get reacquainted, but he welcomed me with a big smile and arms outstretched.  When I took him, he pressed his forehead to mine in a loving "hug."  Oh My!...melted this Grandma's heart.

The zany zoo is still a favorite attraction and is a perfect place to play peek-a-boo.

...we had hours and hours of fun!

...and this boy is on the verge of walking alone.  Walks around things with just a fingerhold, but finds he can crawl faster to get where he wants to go.  He is a charmer.
Climbing up on the sofa alone really made him proud.   
He dresses up pretty nicely too.  We were going to meet my nephew Reed and wife Elisha for brunch as they were visiting in the City too.          
Oliver loves to put things in things and to be read too.  I could set and watch him all day....and I did!
Mostly smiles on his face, but the camera could bring this look :)
I had to get a picture of him at their dining room table.  This table was Grandma Fern's (Bill's Mom).  Oh, the memories made around that table...and more to come!                                                                  
..and there's a possibility we have a budding Wildcat here!         
Needless to say, I had a great visit.  Oh...I enjoyed visiting with Jason and Laura too.