My Valentine Day treat

What could be better than a walk on Hayswood Trail on this pretty Valentine afternoon?  Snow yesterday....57 degrees and sunshine this afternoon...maybe snow tomorrow!  That's Southern Indiana for you!
Of course, being in the company of grandkids Avery & Lydia made it even better!  My, oh my.....those kids are growing up.

The sky was so blue and I love those "whispy" clouds.  I know...
that's not a word, but it does describe the clouds.

The blue birds were plentiful...they had the brightest blue coats on...only visible when they were flying.

The geese were calm...someone else must have fed them earlier today.  They do look well fed, don't they?
Walking along the trail, we passed this candy heart someone had left made a pretty picture and reminded us IT IS Valentine's Day.
                   The view from the Old Rothrock Bridge is always a treat.

...and by the end of the trail, the clouds were beginning to gather.
Maybe rain and snow are in the future.

pretty in shadows