I'm completely charmed!

Well, as you can see, little Oliver Tate (5 1/2 months now) is really developing his personality. He smiles "from ear to darling ear" almost every time he catches someone's eye looking at him. My camera kinda put him off, but I can tell you he pelted me with hundreds of smiles during my visit. I love the precious way he shyly drops his chin with some smiles.

He just started solid food and he definitely enjoys mealtime. Here he's enjoying some freshly creamed avocado...and isn't he sitting up well?

Yep, the straps on his highchair prove he needs an outfit with suspenders :)

Watching Oliver discover his world is pure delight.

He's all over the place when put down on his play mats & the left foot kicked up seems to be an Oliver trait.

I love his perfect little head :)

He can play a "pretty mean" tune.

He's very agile...well, can you get your toes in your mouth?

...often, I'm taken back to Jason's babydays when I look at Oliver.

Oh....I also enjoyed visiting with Jason & Laura :)

Okay....I thought Oliver looked like Jason and then I see this picture and he is Laura made over. Well, I guess he's just Oliver Tate..the best of both.

Oh, I love the little guy.

Psst!,,,I think he loves me too :)

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