OUR year in review - 2011

2011 is winding to a close...time to recap the year in photos.
WOW! This was our New Year's Day sunset. We should have known it was going to be a great year!
I started on January 1 with this picture. Still have the same sentiment...as long as I have my Bible, my Today book and my journal I am at peace.
February 1st brought a very special delivery to our family...Ava Grace Delaney was born to Derrick & Kelley.
Big brother Logan checked her out and gave his approval. Remember...he named her "potato salad" before she arrived and even announced that to the entire OCUM congregation. Luckily that name didn't stick!
...they decided she was a "keeper" and brought her home. I think that tiny bow is the smallest thing she's had on her head since (big head band decor is always IN with Ava!)
Gram (aka Mom, MomMom, MiMi) our matriarch and our newest arrival Ava Grace.
Ava Grace became our family's centerpiece :)
(Kelley's friend Emily took this picture.)
Mid-February the flu-bug hit and hit hard. Mom, Bill & Scott went down, down, down with it...I brought Mom & Scott here so I could play nurse to all of them at once...thankfully, I stayed healthy.

Spring did come and the sunbeams never looked so good!
...and our Ava was growing and beginning to coo :)
An Easter tradition - Avery & Lydia coloring Easter eggs and Piston was glad to lend a hand (I mean a paw, or two, or her whole body!) to the project.
...anyway, those eggs turned out great :)
May brought our first nest of baby robins...one of the true blessings of my retirement has been watching my birds...I love it!
Momma robin kept the 4 of them well fed..which was a full-time job.
...and they grew, literally overflowing the nest!
This one (I assume the runt of this litter) was last to leave the nest and then only after much coaxing from Momma & Daddy robin.
If Piston could have gotten hold of him, he would have definitely been a goner!
He spent a number of days in this bush outside our bedroom window and Momma robin came often bringing him food. One morning he was gone. We were hopeful that he finally gained enough strength to take out on his own :)
I went with Bill to his 56th high school alumni banquet in May. It was held at the Laconia Community Center which was created at the old Laconia School Bill graduated from.
Then I went with Mom to her 71st high school reunion...how cool is that!! The sweet African American lady came all the way from California to attend this year. Also, a lady my age attended. Her mother graduated with Mom's class and died several years later in a car accident when this girl was 7 years old...she brought all her Mom's high school pictures and the group had a wonderful time reminiscing about them. I just loved listening to them :)
May also brought beautiful flowers...
....and more beautiful flowers :) I love taking pictures of flowers...but I'll resist for now!
June brought Vacation Bible School. The music really got the kids a movin' and a shakin'
...and Joyce Jenkins and I ..ummmm, "survived" with this gregarious bunch, but only with the help of Lydia Carl and Courtney Barton!
Kelley & I made a trip to the zoo with Logan & Ava on a beautiful summer day.
Ava made friends with the baby penquins...up close and personal :)
...and Logan loved...EVERYthing, but especially the Splashing Safari water slide!
Ava got her first carousel ride and Logan was so delighted to finally be tall enough to ride alone :)
In July, we took a trip of a lifetime. Bill & myself along with Michael, Kimberly, Avery & Lydia flew to Las Vegas, rented a lovely red van and spent 2 weeks touring the West. Let me tell you...seeing those places through the eyes of your grandchildren is just indescribable joy!! I love this picture as they view the Grand Canyon. What were they thinking??
We all enjoyed our time in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
..and the horse back ride up, up, up into the mountains has to be a major highlight of my life & their's...see our smiles :)
The Chapel of Transfiguration has to be one of my favorite places on earth! The view of the Grand Teton's from inside the chapel just takes my breath away.
Jenny Lake & Yellowstone Lake seem to stretch forever. I'm learning to always get a tree or rock in the forefront of the picture to give some perspective to lake pictures.
We arrived and we loved our two days at Yellowstone. The wildlife were plentiful and we really enjoyed seeking them out.
...and the buffalo do roam...whereever they want too.
These cute little guys gave us a rear-end salute, but they still couldn't resist taking a peak to make sure we were still watching them.
Our cabin in Wyoming was a treasure! I know I'm an Indiana girl, but I swear I feel home in Wyoming :)
This was very exciting at the time and not nearly as scary as it is now looking at the picture. Thank you, thank you, Lord for your protection throughout the entire trip!
I treasure this picture memory. I have a picture taken in this same spot along the Shoshone River from our trips West in '85, '06 and now '11.
Many, many memories made. We seemed to never stop smiling the entire 2 weeks :)
Back in Corydon, we joined family & friends at our traditional spot in front of Rhonda & Les' house to enjoy the Fair Parade.
..and Miss Ava enjoyed her first ever tractor pull :)..those ear protectors look pretty stylish.
In August, we gathered to celebrate Mom's 89th birthday.
Logan expressed the love we ALL feel for her.
...and that woman still has some wind left in her. Whoops, sorry Mom!
Labor Day at Shannon & Joe's :) Ava is delighted with "real food" as Katherine (Jerry & Judy's granddaughter) looks on.
...and Aunt Shannon's I-pad never looses Logan's attention.
Bill & I took a few (rainy) days in September to visit some Ky & Virginia Parks. Breaks is a neat visit..a hidden secret I think.
Some beautiful walking trails and awesome views :)
One beautiful sunrise on that otherwise rainy road trip, but we enjoyed it anyway.
Nothing like a trip to Huber's to bring out the zoo animals in this family. Scott looks afraid his head will get stuck forever in that lamb and Miss Grumpy Pig Ava is just priceless.
In October, Grandson Avery's personal artwork titled, Field Edge, was on display at the new Artisan Center in downtown Corydon.
...as was Granddaughter Lydia's Aspens in Autumn. So proud of their work :)
A great highlight in mid-October was having a visit with Jason & Laura AND having the opportunity to celebrate the coming arrival of our Grandson. It was such joy seeing J&L and so many family and friends together for this time of joy and excitement.
Fall seemed to be here and gone in a flash this year.
...but Bill & I did get in some great roadtrips..I love those country roads :)
We even had beauty at our own doorstep. Our Japanese Maple tree thrills me with its many changing hues of color.
My favorite Fall pic this year was this - the maintenance shed on the grounds of the old State Treasury property in Corydon.
Halloween fun with Miss Ava Grace, aka poodle or lambchop. Ava doesn't seem to see the fun here.
...but there's that winning smile :)
We gathered at Michael & Kimberly's for the day of Thanksgiving with family and friends.
Ava just needed a little something to hold onto that day and just a few days later she took off walking on her own. Awesome - from newborn in Feb. to walking in the same year! God is such a good Creator :)
Derrick & Ava (and many of the rest of us) were tuckered out by Thanksgiving evening.
Most important day of the year for Scott D. Kemp is December 10th, his birthday. #48 this year and many helped him make it a very special day (or 2 or 3!)
Brother Frank brought his personal Christmas present, Divot (a darling Saint Bernard puppy) to visit us. Piston seemed highly offended by this intrusion and was determined "not to look at her."
...and speaking of Piston... (I hear your sighs!)...she has the prettiest paws.
...and she knows it!
Well they are grand, aren't they?
I tell her this is obscene, but she loves to show it all off anyway. Okay, okay, I hear you dog-lovers moaning :)

Well, Christmas came and went and Bill & I celebrated the New Year with the BIG WIN over UofL this afternoon. Happy New Year 2012 is rapidly approaching.
Bless it Lord with your favor. Now, bring it ON!

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