Let's let children run the government

My eldest son commented this week that he thought we should just let children run the government. He said, "They have such insight and often look at things so clearly." He then told of a little girl who, with her family, was in the restaurant where he is a server. She told him she had a loose tooth and every time he came close to their table she would demonstrate to him how that tooth was becoming looser and looser. Then she said, "But I may not be able to eat anymore cookies." "Why not?" he asked. "Because, it may be my sweet tooth," she whispered.

Kids do say the cutest things and their perspective is so fresh and usually right on target.

Logan, my 2 year old nephew, was in the car the other night with his mom and dad. They passed a skunk and the smell permeated the car. "Did the car poop?" Logan asked.

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