Christmas with Pat & John

Bill's sister, Pat, always finds the coolest gifts!  Goat-lover Lydia was delighted with Pat's find.  His?/her? name is still under consideration.
Avery's cube of wood quickly became this wood-man. 
The goat & a chicken ornament...great gifts for Lydia.
Avery & Lydia - two GRAND grandchildren :)
...and they are best buddies!
Michael, Kimberly, Avery & Lydia -
just can't get them all right at the same time.
can't get them right - 2
almost right there :)
contemplative son Michael
happy husband Bill
cool brother-in-law John
Lovely Lydia
Handsome Avery
Piston checks out the goat & the chicken
just so pretty
just so sweet  :)

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