September road trip to Michigan

Another road trip - this time to Michigan. Bill loves to drive. I love to ride & take photos. (Makes for a good team & enjoyable trip.) Found the Michigan of many lakes to be a lovely place. ...water crystal blue...skies pretty...a lovely ride :)

The countryside was rich and lush....much green.

...a beautiful pair.

,,,the pumpkins grow BIG and the terraced planting was interesting.

I just can't pass up a shot of God's pretty creatures.

This was the view from our hotel in Petoskey, Michigan (our base for 3 days). It looks out on Little Traverse Bay.

The Tunnel of Trees drive was a favorite of mine. Miles & miles of "tree canopy." We have our own tunnel of trees in Harrison County (SR 62 toward Leavenworth) and I love it too.

Black squirrels were plentiful. Bill did a lot of dodging!

This will be the view through the Tunnel of Trees in a few weeks. (I had to borrow this picture (: Guess I'll just have to enjoy my SR 62 drive.

...and Lake Michigan (and it's many bays) was always close by. We also saw Lake Huron & Lake Superior in our travel this time.

The Legs Inn was on our list for dining, but it was closed on our day there. Great history and architecture in this place. It's named for the stove legs that trim it's roof line. Unusual craftsmanship - definitely marks of the Ottawa Indians who helped build it.

We did enjoy their flowers and, yes, there is a big Bee getting his fill.

...just across the road was this painted bear.

The Gateway to Mackinac Island. Mackinaw City reminded me of Door County, Wisconsin and Gatlinburg..little streets, shops, and at least 10 Fudge Shops!

The Mackinac Bridge...5 miles long..they had just had the 55th annual Bridge Walk on Sept. 3rd...45,000 people walked this year! Quite a beautiful suspension bridge.

Back in Petoskey, we enjoyed some time at Sunset Park...and some fine dining at the City Park Grill.

These two seagulls must be frequenters of Sunset Park. They were paired up together and I said to them as I clicked the camera, "Come on, you two, turn so I can get you both!" and.....

...they immediately turned toward me! It was so cute. "Talk to the animals."

...the bell tower clock

...the lighthouse at Traverse Bay

...just a lovely roadtrip. ...capped it off with a nice visit with Jeff & Cassie Hauswald in Kokomo, Indiana :)

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