Thanksgiving blessings

"Bring on the turkey" Ava seems to be saying.
Michael & Kimberly hosted our Thanksgiving get-together this year...their house was so comfy for our # (21)this year. The candles centerpiece was truly beautiful. Photographer Barb failed to get a picture of everyone...sorry.
Our hostess Kimberly - doesn't she look lovely? and her Mom, June and friend, Tom.
Now, who do you suppose bought this top for Ava?
Ava just needs a fingerhold...and she is only 9 months old!
Ava making the rounds...and she even made friends with Meatball,the Boston Terrier, but we think she is not at all pleased with his appearance or his exuberant behavior.
A blur of Logan --- he LOVES playing with Avery and Lydia!
Our matriarch - Mom, Gram, MomMom, MiMi - I wonder what the next great-grandbaby will call her?
I think we were discussing the "Noun Game" when Scott got this look on his face. He opted out on us, but many of us truly enjoyed it.. Directions = each person writes a person, place and thing on separate slips of paper & place them all in a bowl, divide into 2 teams. First time around the circle each person draws slips from the bowl and using any verbal clues tries to get his or her team members to say the word-each person gets 60 seconds to do as many as they can--keep the slips out to add score at end. second time around using same slips, but act out the word..cannot speak. Third time around you can only give one word to get your team to say the word. make any sense?? it's fun! especially when my Mom is playing :)

Lydia trying to corral the "mover and shaker"
"Pop is tickling my back."
tuckered out

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