Preparing for little man

Radmacher family and friends met last evening to celebrate our newest addition expected in February. We had a great time together :) Our in-family cake designer Lisa made the cake.
All signs point to a boy. Boy! Oh, boy!
A tie-mobile (from Granddad Kemp and Scott's ties) to welcome the little man.
Shannon created this lovely little man centerpiece.
Predictions are he'll be a 10.
Diaper mint cups cut out by Mammaw and assembled by Lydia.
cute napkins
little man banner & friend Betty cooking our delicious dinner with Mary Jean's assist.
greeting family (Mom, Scott, Jason, Jerry)
and friends
Ava looking UP to Jason
...and Victoria looking UP to Jason
a playroom for the kids
with a crawl-through tunnel as tall as Jason
Logan made "the world" out of playdough
Hummmm....a diaper do-do game (I mean a contest--Jason said we shouldn't have games).
"Can you explain this to me?" Scott seems to be asking Bill.
Actually, the "contest" turned out to be a lot of fun
a melted candy bar in each of 9 diapers and the idea was to identify each by the smell. Here's Michael trying to define that smell in one of them
Oh! Oh! I think he's gonna faint!
the excited Parents-in-waiting
beautiful gift of a quilt designed and created by Mary Jean
all eyes were on the gifts
while brothers Jerry and Frank debated unknown issues
until Ava required a little more Pop-time
notes and cards from the little man's treasure chest supplied by Shannon
many wonderful gifts for the little man
even a tie lamp Shannon made (using Granddad Kemp's ties).
a wonderful evening - enjoyed by all :)

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