Catching up - odds and ends after Easter

Piston had to adapt during our Easter preparations. She definitely wants to be in on the action and with cooking, decorating and setting tables for 19, I just couldn't let her have her usual free reign. Saturday evening, she was determined to help me with cooking. I finally set a chair in the middle of the kitchen and she spent an hour and a half on it supervising my work. I'm learning about cats. If I had tried to put her on the chair, she would have had nothing to do with it - but, when I just placed it in the kitchen and she thought of jumping up there, it was an okay thing :)

Easter egg "creation" is always a fun project for Avery, Lydia and me. This year, I had grand ideas of making origami decorations and stickers to enhance our eggs, but the kids enjoyed just coloring them by mixing dyes. They always turn out wonderful! Such fun! Piston wanted to be right in the dye cups, of course, but with "a little encouragement" she finally relented to her space at the end of the table.

Avery's eggs :)
Lydia's eggs :)

Mammaw's eggs :)

Well, needless to say the preparation was fun!...and the day went beautifully despite the rain, rain and more rain. There was a good break in showers and the children enjoyed some outdoor time....giant bubbles, baseball game, and egg hunt. Would have been great in pictures....what was I thinking? I didn't take pictures. Oh,well! The pictures are in my mind! I did take one shot of Kelley finding an egg in our frontyard bush that had been there since last year! At least it was plastic! ...and the quarter inside was still good :)
Such a good, good day! I was pondering after everyone left...felt tired...but happy too. Family means the world to me. ...and next time I'll take more pictures. Then I spotted Piston in this pose....
Ahhhh...I know just how she feels. A great day...but now it's time to rest!

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