Happy 3rd Birthday to Logan

a dubious salute  ... We all enjoyed celebrating Logan's 3rd birthday.  What a precious little boy!!
Grandma Lisa's pirate ship cake was a true masterpiece!  "Great job, Lisa!"  (There's a story going around that this was the 2nd creation....I'm not sure what dastardly disaster destroyed #1)

What pirate can resist a blazing sword fight?  ...which frightened MeMe to pieces!    

Whenever Logan needed a break from sword fighting, he just dropped to the floor.  Notice the new and beautiful hardwood floor at Derrick and Kelley's ...accolades to Frank, Joe and Derrick.
....and I just can't resist adding this picture of Miss Kitty (aka Piston) napping on the keys.  She just loves to sleep on the computer keys...which is fine UNless you're trying to use them!                                            

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