a nature trip in our own backyard

Avery, Lydia and I took a quick trip around the yard the other evening looking for "nature."  Lydia took her sketch pad to draw our finds.  We were all fascinated by this slug bug - a Limacus Flavus (Avery later got all the info from the internet at http://www.conchsoc.org/)  On its' right side about a third of its' length from the tentacles was a hole which we learned was a pneumostome (breathing hole).  The web site was neat because you could identify your find in a step-by-step identify process.  (the internet continues to amaze me!)

And how long was our slug?  ...an Avery finger-length...about 3 inches.  You can see the sparkling trail this little bugger leaves as he travels about. 

...and Avery found this perfect light blue bird egg on the ground by a stepping stone.  We couldn't figure why the egg was left in this spot and perfectly intact...maybe the bird got confused or some predator stole it from the nest.  It's still in the same spot 2 days later.  Guess we'll never know....but it was interesting to think about.

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