Our Sweet Lazarus

Our sweet kitty, Lazarus, is 2 1/2 years old. He came to us because our grandchildren fell in love with "the runt of the litter" of some wild outdoor cats my mother had been blessed with...he was the only one they could catch! We rescued him after my mother had declared him dead and wrapped him for burial on a hot July day in 2007. He survived several more near death experiences including hanging himself from the side of the cardboard box we had placed him in and biting off and swallowing the tip of a glass eye-dropper I was using to feed him. (I know, I should have known better...but my knowledge of cat care was pretty meager at that time!) He weighed 9 ounces at his first vet visit and 10 pounds last year. We have a visit coming up next week and hope for a good report on his growth and development. Our vet has said Lazarus will never be "normal" and since I never had a cat and don't know what "normal" is, I guess that will be okay. I do know that he has become an important part of our life and I think God must have planned this special blessing for me in my retirement. I wrote these notes about Laz in my journal this morning................ Watching Laz leap and play is so sweet. His sense of smell is keen and he is curious, even smelling the plug-ins nearly daily. He is fascinated by anything that turns - like the ceiling fan. He likes to look out our back door window and enjoys his shadow. He "trills" when he is having a good time. His hair and ears stand up and his tail becomes erect and full when he is excited. He tosses his toys and bats them around. He is capable of huge leaps but seldom gets on furniture and never on our window sills. He follows Bill around like a puppy. Usually never wants petting, but on occasion seems to delight in a good head rubbin'. He seldom sleeps but rests most of the time. He always keeps himself clean. He always uses the litter box and lets us know if it is needing to be cleaned by disrupting the rugs in the bathroom where his litter box resides. He likes to sneak up and pounce on two favorite stuffed mice.....................
He is loved!

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