The rest of the story from Oliver, Jason & Laura's Indiana visit

The days of their visit did come and go, but let me tell you the visit exceeded even my own expectations AND those expectations were high!
I smiled from the moment of their arrival until....well, I'm still smiling. 
Wednesday was Hayswood Park & Trail day.  Here's the gang...Bill & I were "taking the picture."                                                                        

                                One lone blue heron greeted us.  
    A waiting duck.  They actually come toward people looking for food.  We quickly got up on the wooden deck so the flock was in the water below.
...all ducks in waiting
Oliver says, "What are they doing?"
Kelley shows O how it's done.                                                      
"I get it now!
"I can feed them."  
"That was fun!" 
                   Oliver sneaks a bite of the duck's food. 
                     Kelley with her arms full.                                  
             We're hitting the trail.                                     
Avery & Logan doing the duck walk.
    Lydia's turn to stroll Oliver.
   So cute!
Ava, Oliver & Lydia on the bridge.
...into the woods
the gangs all here
swinging on the grapevines.
"Ugh!  I just can't reach it!"
Ava takes a piggyback ride.
Daredevil Avery!  ..and he made it across!
leaf hearts on the trail
It was a long, hot walk!
O says, "I'm getting sleepy, but I won't give in to it!"
Logan's turn to push and Oliver is out.
The cars at the end of the trail were a welcome sight...
but oh, what fun we had at Hayswood.
 Back to GranBarb & GranBill's house for good nap & more exploring...
"It's me under that glass!"                                                                        
Honking MomMom's horn.                                                       

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