My journal notes from September 11, 2001
(I was still a full-time RN at Floyd Memorial.)
Today terrorist struck in America...and they struck in the cruelest way - by using our own airplanes and commandeering them to crash with American passengers into the World Trade Center Buildings in New York City where thousands of people were just starting their workday and the Pentagon, the very heart of our government. It was horrible!
I was at work (the State Board of Health was at Floyd in the second of their 3-day unannounced site visit). I had held our usual discharge planning meeting 9-9:10am in our staff lounge. As I walked to the nurse's station, I passed by an empty room and saw several staff members in the room watching the TV. Their faces looked bewildered.
I stepped into the room and looked to the sight of the twin towers in NYC in flames. I felt nauseated...horrified. I remember saying, "Oh, my God!" in a prayerful, yet horrified manner. I then said to the other staff present, "Oh, this is big!" I prayed for all people in the airplanes, the twin towers and on the ground. I prayed for Jason and Laura...hoping they weren't in the City. I prayed for Michael and Kimberly and the children in Rockville, Maryland. I began to comprehend that this was an attack on America...with far reaching implications. By praying, I mean these thoughts were in my mind. I did not form them into a voiced prayer. I think at the time I felt unable to form my thoughts. I know I sensed that God was giving me strength and comfort. I felt calm to face whatever occurred next.
I left the room and went to the nurse's station where I was able to carry on my normal routine charge nurse duties. I remember thinking, 'I'm glad this isn't happening on my birthday..September 12th.
Close to 9:45am, someone told me the Pentagon had been struck. I again went to the TV and watched the scenes unfold. I remember thinking how I had encouraged Mom regarding the safety of flying in April when she flew to Washington, DC to visit Michael & family...her first airplane flight ever. I remembered the many flights and shuttle rides I had taken into DC in the past few years. What if?? What if??
I prayed someone would be with Kimberly and Avery (2 1/3 yrs) and Lydia (4 months). (I found out later that Rosa, their next door neighbor, was with them. Thank you, Lord!)
I called my Mom and said, "Mom, have you heard from anyone?" My Mom responded, "To whom am I speaking?" "Mom! It's Barbara!" "Oh! Barbara!" We affirmed our faith that God was in control.
My attempts to call the kids were met with recordings...'all circuits are busy.'
I called Mom again a little later and found that Gregg had talked to Kimberly. Rosa was with them and she had not heard from Michael. I did finally get through to Jason and Laura's answering machine and left a message of love and support.
A bit later, while sitting at the nurse's station, I was paged overhead with an outside call. It was Laura was with him. I spoke with Laura. She tearfully told me of her Uncle calling from the City. He had witnessed the 2nd plane hitting the tower. I remember saying, "God is in control." She responded that it seemed at the moment the evil terrorist were in control. I said, "Yet, God is ultimately in control. I think He is! I hope He is! I know He is!" (each statement more firm and loud). I affirmed my love to both of them. When I hung up the phone and turned around, there were my co-workers...many with tears streaming down their faces...with such compassion and caring in their expressions.
The dietician grabbed hold of my arm and told me her brother was in one of the buildings connected to the Trade Center buildings and she did not know what to think regarding his safety. (Later, he contacted her Mother - safe!)
I left a message on Bill's machine at work...reporting all safe and affirming my love.
I stayed at work until 5pm and then drove to my Mom & Scott's. I thought of how my Dad would have been so distressed by the destruction of American soil and people. I'm glad he was spared the day's events. Mom had talked by phone to Gregg, Michael & Kimberly and Jason & Laura. We rejoiced...comforted and loved on one another...and affirmed our trust in God's ultimate control.
Later Tuesday evening, I was able to make contact by phone with the kids. We saw the good in our friends, our fellow Americans, our God. We were definitely in contact despite the miles that separated us.
The TV continued to bring us the pictures and stories. ....thousands lost in the rubble...thousands seeking to help. All airports closed. White House targeted and missed. Heroism. Prayers of thousands.
Our church was open for prayer Tuesday evening. Jason held a service at his church (Grace UM in Putnam Valley, NY). He used the Scripture my Mom had given him (which she had gotten from God early Tuesday morning prior to any terrorist act.) She had written it in her journal. Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Before bedtime Tuesday night, I placed this message on The Radmacher Family Site.
'Just wanted to reassure you...the Radmacher's are safe! Jason and Laura in New York and Michael, Kimberly, Avery and Lydia in Rockville are safe. As a mother, my heart ached today as I awaited work of their situation and safety. Yet, I must say...the still small voice of God kept me focused and calm so I was able to complete my 12-hour shift. We don't know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future.'
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Revelation 22:21
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