Our Christmas visit in NYC

Bill & I just returned from a short, but very rewarding visit with Jason, Laura & Oliver Tate in New York City.  Laura took this picture.  Oliver is nearing 11 months now.  What a darling, happy baby boy!  I could sit and watch him for hours.

His expressions are delightful...reminds me of my "little" Jason.
Why eat your yogurt discs when you can use them for some creative art?
"Yes, Uncle Scott, I like the book you sent me!"
....and he kept Granpa & Gramma on the floor a lot.  Believe me getting down there is never the problem!
Boy, oh boy!  "I like to charm my Gramma!"
Checking out the Zany Zoo with Dad.
"I think I'm gonna like it!"
"...but, I'd better check out this box too."
"Where is Oliver?"
"Here I am!"
...smirking at Gramma.  She called this "my little boy look."
Dressed for church....
...but stops to play a few tunes first.
The little man has some cool duds....
...and I love the Ugg boots...a gift from Uncle Joe.
"Pointer" finger is very important to Oliver right now.  He uses it often in playing and looking at books.
Granpa & GRANDson concentrating on their play.
Yep, we're smitten!  Oliver Tate is simply perfect :)

1 comment:

  1. Such terrific pics of Avery and Lydia-they are teenagers(!)--such an exciting and super-charged time in life.
