A beautiful pre-Thanksgiving afternoon at Hayswood Park

Ready for the Trail - Lydia, Landon, Logan, Avery & Ava + Kelley & myself in tow.

They had LOTS of energy--"every which way but loose" - well, maybe they were loose.

Even Avery and Lydia were winded after the run to the bridge.

...searching for fish in the creek revived them.


oh boy! (yes, we had to put a stop to this or noone would have had any knees left!)

The geese appreciated our attention...and our bread.

...then to the playground.

,,,and little Miss Ava did it all!

sweet Landon
sweet Ava Grace

,,,on to the cabin.

Wrigley joined us (also Michael & Derrick)
oh, these two are awesome grandkids!

sweet Logan

afternoon shadows...and their energy was waning...mine too,
but oh! it was an awesome afternoon

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